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Essentials of Conscious Capitalism: Higher Purpose

  • February 05, 2025
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Virtual Zoom Gathering


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Discovering and Amplifying
Higher Purpose

What is Conscious Capitalism all about? Is it a methodology or a set of practices or a philosophy? Perhaps a bit of all three.

Elevating humanity through business begins with knowing why your company exists. Businesses should exist for reasons beyond just making a profit. Conscious Capitalism sees profit as a necessary means to achieving your purpose - not as an end in and of itself. 

Let’s engage together to explore the essentials of the movement. Higher Purpose is the first in a four-part series of interactive, online sessions to look at Conscious Capitalism and the four tenets that define it. Participation in all four sessions in not required - jump in where you’re most interested.

FREE to Chicago Chapter partners

$40 for a Single Session
$100.00 includes an Individual partnership for one year and admission to the remaining 3 sessions